Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Veldt Response


The Veldt Response:

*THEME*- More is not always better: In life, sometimes it is best to have less in order to be able to appreciate what it has. For example, in The Veldt, the family has more than enough of what they need. They have plenty of money, a mansion that does everything for them, and the children get anything they wish for. They are so accustomed to their lush lifestyle, that when the children are told they cant have something, they dont understand that this is the lifestyle most others have to live; they crack in the realization that they dont get what they want, and end up killing their own parents over it. If they didnt have so much, then the simple word "No" would not have taken them to the edge.

*QUOTE*- "That sounds dreadful! Would I have to tie my own shoe instead of letting the shoe tier do it? And brush my own teeth and comb my hair and give myself a bath?" : This shows that the kids are SO spoiled, that even these simple activities are a form of punishment. Other children must work for their families, go to bed hungry, and suffer many other things, yet still appreciate their parents. But, the kids in the story have everything they could ask for, and when they have to tie their own shoes, they murder their parents

1 comment:

  1. I like how you worded your responses. I like your blog.
