Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Veldt Response


The Veldt Response:

*THEME*- More is not always better: In life, sometimes it is best to have less in order to be able to appreciate what it has. For example, in The Veldt, the family has more than enough of what they need. They have plenty of money, a mansion that does everything for them, and the children get anything they wish for. They are so accustomed to their lush lifestyle, that when the children are told they cant have something, they dont understand that this is the lifestyle most others have to live; they crack in the realization that they dont get what they want, and end up killing their own parents over it. If they didnt have so much, then the simple word "No" would not have taken them to the edge.

*QUOTE*- "That sounds dreadful! Would I have to tie my own shoe instead of letting the shoe tier do it? And brush my own teeth and comb my hair and give myself a bath?" : This shows that the kids are SO spoiled, that even these simple activities are a form of punishment. Other children must work for their families, go to bed hungry, and suffer many other things, yet still appreciate their parents. But, the kids in the story have everything they could ask for, and when they have to tie their own shoes, they murder their parents


My utopian society has a simple government with a small set of rules and punishments ranging from a day of probation to being banned from the island, each punishment depending on the severity of the offense.

Rule #1: No person who does not work will be treated with the same kind of privleges as one who does work. If you do not go to work with no excuse, you will be held accountable, and there will be consequences.
*More than 1 hour late to work without excuse: Will be banned from any activities after work hours; must go straight home
*Missed an entire day of work with no excuse: Banned from activites for 5 days; must go straight home
*More than one day out of work: Banned from activites for 2 weeks; must go straight home. Also, you must work overtime for 2 weeks to make up for hours missed.

Rule #2: No stealing is acceptable in the utopia; although all food is shared among the utopia, you will recieve an adequate amount of food for your family, and taking any extra is prohibited.
*Stealing food from a person: will be forced to do community service
*Stealing possessions from a person: Will be forced to give it back and/or pay for it  as well as service in the community for up to 7 years.
*Taking extra food: Will be forced to give it back, pay a fine, and will do farmwork for up to 5 years

Rule #3: Homocide is UNACCEPTABLE
*Murder Option 1: Sentenced to death
*Murder Option 2: Will be removed from the community permanently
*Murder Option 3: Will be sentenced to a lifetime of of community service, and taken away from home to be moved with the other murderers in a seperate community

Rule #4: No man will degrade another man with words or actions,
*Degradation with words: Will be banned from any after-work activities to go to communtiy service
2: Will be subject to group counseling
*Degradation with action: Will be banned from after-work activities for community service
2: Will be subject to group counseling
3:  Will have to experience their actions firsthand

*What is community service?*: Working labor for the community, such as food delivery, farming, building, etc.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Architecture and Growth

These are some examples of the houses that citizens live in. The architecture in my utopia is centered around mainly American architectual home ideas. For example, a work building may be similar to one of the houses above. There would be living neightborhoods, where the citizens would stay, as well as working and functioning neighborhoods, where citizens would work and soend their days. As new needs surfaced, they would be met with a new house. (i.e.: citizens have requested a new school for ages 3-6; after evaluating the importance of the request, a new house will be put into place in the school neighborhood, with the other school houses)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Community Philosophy

In my community, the main philosophies are that equality is important and also what is mine is yours.
Whats mine is yours: In my utopia, this is a major philosophy.This means that is you are equal, no one has more than anybody else. If you are crippled, you will still have the same supply of food as someone who is athletic. you will still have kind of rights. There is equalityin everything.


In Ember Utopia, in some ways individuality is encouraged but in other ways it is restricted. For example, citizens are encouraged to "be themselves" in order to make it easier to determine their future career (for example: a person who is more sociable may be suggested to pursue a career along the lines of business) Also, it is encouraged for the purpose of uniqueness and to see compatibility between citizens. on phter ways, it is restricted. For example, how today we have uniforms in schoool. While students are encouraged to express themself, it is to an extent. to assure appropriateness, in schools, there are regulations, as are in workplaces.
in addition, races are not regulated. Meaning, there is a plethora of races; Caucasian, Asian, Black, etc. There is no prejudice, and there may be several different races living in a single household.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Daily life and Econcomy

Daily LIfe and Economy
In the Ember Tharpe island utopia, the daily life consists of a short amount of work that is determined by a series of tests conducted by way of tests composed to determine physical and mental abilities and the interests of the citizens. After they work (either in the morning or in the afternoon, depending on the job) they are allowed free time around the island. Common activities include bikeriding, taking a dip in the pool or water hole, or participating in clubs or other activities. Individuals between the ages 18 and 28 return to their group houses with a curfiew of 3:00 a.m. and adults go to their family mansions shared with chosen elders and children, witha curfiew of 3:00. In the morning, kids will go to their individual schols, basd on the area they live in and the age group they are in and adlts will once again return to work.